25 July 2012

3 Day Organizer Personal V 2.0 and more

3Day Organizer Personal v2.0 - 19621 KB
3Day Organizer is a simple yet powerful personal information manager (PIM)
for personal or business use. It has promising features that you are unable
to find in other information managers today. Like other products, it's using
an outline tree to organize the information, an RTF editor to write notes;
unlike other products, it associates a powerful attachment list with a note,
associates a note with a list entry, and associates a note or a user-defined
list with an outline node. This unique data structure brings an unbelievable
flexibility to organize all kinds of information for your personal use or
business use. 3Day Organizer is developed in Java 1.4.2.
Examples of using 3Day Organizer are:
- Personal use: Contact/address book, E-receipts repository, Web login
database, Payment due tracking, Homework (if you are a student!), Travel log
(frequent flyer, trip prep.), Knowledge base (with many possibilities!),
Diary (then you need business version!), Your own e-book!, Photo album.
- Business use: Task list, Bug database (no check in/out now), Client
support issues (we use this a lot!), Bill repository (for your tax return!),
Meeting notes, Technical tips/articles, Inventory list (computers, office
supplies), Customer report, Work diary
- Unique information structure. List, note and attachment are well combined
to create a flexible structure. If you start to use, you will be
surprised.:-) We are proud of the list and attachment features, and will
keep improving the note.
- Java language. Most (if not all) PIM are developed in C/C++ for Windows
native support. We chose Java as the language for at least two benefits: 1)
built-in international language support. 2) cross-platform support.
The personal version contains almost all features and is free for personal
*********   HUNGARIAN | MAGYAR   **********
A 3Day Organizer egy egyszerű, de erőteljes személyes információkezelő
(PIM), mely magánhasználatra ingyenes. Az információkat faszerkezetbe
szervezi és a beépített RTF szerkesztővel jegyzeteket készíthetünk. A
program az alábbiakra használható:
- Személyes használatra: Címjegyzék, bevételek-kiadások adattára,
felhasználónév és jelszó tároló, fizetési tervek, házi feladatok
nyilvántartása, utazási napló, tudásbázis, fényképalbum stb.
- Üzleti felhasználásra: Feladatlista, hiba adatbázis, ügyféltámogatási
kérdések, tárgyalási feljegyzések, technikai tippek és cikkek, leltárak,
munka napló.
- Java nyelven íródott, így platformfüggetlen.
3Day Computing Lab

3DCrafter v9.2.2 - 23562 KB
3DCrafter is a real-time 3D modeling and animation tool that incorporates an
intuitive drag-and-drop approach to 3D modeling.
Complex models can be constructed from simple 3D primitives, or created
using 3DCrafter's Shape Building Tools. Modeling tools are provided to
deform, sculpt, and paint 3D shapes.
Creating an animated scene is as simple as positioning the shapes within
your scene for each point in time in your animation. 3DCrafter will ensure
that the resulting animation runs smoothly. Your animation can be stepped
through a frame at a time, viewed in real-time, or recorded to a Video (AVI)
file so that you can distribute your creation.
Tool roll-up groups allow you to customize the 3DCrafter interface so that
only those items you use most frequently are visible. And if you need access
to a less frequently used feature, the tool roll-up is always one click
The standard version of 3DCrafter is a fully functional product provided as
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP
*********   HUNGARIAN | MAGYAR   **********
A 3DCrafter egy valós idejű 3D modellező és animáció készítő program
drag-and-drop technikával. Egyszerü 3D alakzatokból állíthatók elő vele
komplex modellek, de alakrajzolással is lehetséges ez.
Animált jelenetek is könnyen előállíthatók az egyes elemek pozícionálásával,
melyet a program simán, akadozásmentesen játszik le. Az animációk
lejátszhatók, vagy AVI formátumba menthetők.
A program standard verziója ingyenes.
Amabilis Software

Jaangle v0.98i.977 - 2342 KB
Jaangle (formerly Teen Spirit) is a free music player and organizer
software. It categorizes your mp3, ogg, wma, avi etc collection and displays
it in easy to browse, user interface. It has a quality audio - video player
and also an integrated tag editor.
Jaangle is a Microsoft Windows software application and it is tested in
Windows XP/2003, Vista.  It is certified by softpedia as 100% free of
malware, including adware, spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.
*********   HUNGARIAN | MAGYAR   **********
A Jaangle (korábban Teen Spirit) egy ingyenes zenelejátszó és menedzselő
szoftver. Kategorizálja az mp3, ogg, wma, avi stb gyűjteményeket és könnyen
böngészhetővé teszi őket. Tartalmaz egy minőségi audió-videó lejátszót,
valamint egy tag-szerkesztőt.
Alex Economou

MusicBee v1.4.4443 - 23608 KB
MusicBee makes it easy to organize, find and play music files on your
computer, on portable devices and on the web.
- Organize music files and edit tags in your library with a powerful and
easy to use interface.
- Have new music files automatically added to your library from monitored
folders, with the option to tag the files from an Inbox beforehand.
- Securely rip CD tracks as individual files or as a single album with
embedded cuesheet, and with AccurateRip.com validation.
- Automatically look up Album Art, Lyrics and tag other metadata from the
web. Have a track identifed using its digital sound signature.
- Play MP3, FLAC, Vorbis, WMA files and optionally have tracks scrobbled to
Last.fm. Play the web - playlists are created from MP3 blogs you visit.
- Play and Sync iPods and MP3 players, converting and levelling tracks
- Create dynamic playlists based on your own rules.
- Have the Auto-DJ create a playlist for you and discover new music tracks
from the web (or old ones from your collection you have forgotten about!)
And more...
for Windows XP/ Vista/ Win7/8
*********   HUNGARIAN | MAGYAR   **********
A MusicBee egykönnyen használható szoftver a számítógépen, hordozható
egységeken és az interneten található zenék menedzselésére, lejátszására az
alábbi tulajdonságokkal:
- Zenei fájlok rendezése és ID3 bejegyzések szerkesztése
- Hiányzó zeneállományok automatikus hozzáadása a kijelölt gyűjteményekhez.
- CD-k rippelése,
- Albumborítók, dalszövegek megkeresése,az interneten.
- MP3, FLAC, Vorbis, WMA fájlok kezelése, műsorlisták készítése
Steven Mayall
portable - 23051 KB:

PDF Combine v1.0 - 2855 KB
PDF Combine is a freeware application to combine PDF pieces and files to a
single one. You can simply drag and drop PDF files to the file list directly
and click the Combine Now button to start the task.
- Adobe Acrobat is not required to be installed
- Supports All Languages
- Combine dozens of PDF files in few seconds
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8
*********   HUNGARIAN | MAGYAR   **********
A PDF Combine egy ingyenes alkalmazás, mellyel drag and drop technikával PDF
dokumentumokat tudunk pillanatok alatt egyetlen dokumentummá alakítani. A
program nem igényli az Acrobat jelenlétét, és minden nyelven használható.
portable - 2517 KB:

10 July 2012

QE or Quantitative Easing - What is that?

The word “quantitative easing” more commonly known as “QE” made a grand entry into our lives along the media highway. We had the QE 1 and then the QE 2 by the Federal Reserve to revive the US economy.

What is this QE all about? To understand let's look at a simple story.

Let's say there was a prosperous village - Suskhsagar. Most of the villagers were into agriculture. Their lands were fertile and the farmers were happy. The village had good schools, shops, entertainment hubs, hospitals, municipality etc. Then one day, a pundit, who enjoyed the confidence of the villagers, visited the village. The villagers believe that the pundit was blessed with the knowledge of the future and could predict their future.

One evening, the pundit called an urgent meeting for the villagers to tell them about their future. This kind of meeting had been a regular feature in the village and most people attended it because the pundit's prediction often was accurate.

So while he addressed the villagers, the pundit dropped a bombshell. He told the villagers that the future appeared very dark. He expected that the villagers would soon lose their jobs and source of livelihood. Their incomes would vanish. Therefore, time had come for them to store all that they had so that they could overcome the bad times.

The petrified villagers acted upon his instruction without any further delay. They began to save their money like there was no tomorrow. The villagers were in a state of shock. It appeared like the smiles had been erased from their faces. People stopped spending money and just focused on saving.

They were in no mood to visit the entertainment hub. Nobody visited the market to buy anything. Markets wore a deserted look. Even people stopped visiting the hospital except for emergencies. The fear of losing their jobs and source of income was sucking out every aspect of happiness from their lives. The demand for all goods and services nosedived. The producers of goods felt the pain and reduced prices to get some hold of their lives. But the demand simply did not lift up. Clearly, negative sentiments had come to enshroud the entire village that led to a standstill of economic activity.

One day, a government official passed through the village and wondered to himself how Sukhsagar village turned into Dukhsagar village. He talked to the village elders to understand. After listening to them, he made an attempt to dissuade their fears by informing them that there was no imminent danger of bad times befalling on them. But the villagers continued to embrace fear. After all they had more faith in the Pundit than the government official. The official had realized that the villagers themselves were making things bad. Seeing that his advice was falling on deaf ears, he invited another learned person to address the villagers. But all his efforts were in vain.

Soon the villagers started suffering. Although they had money stocked up in their houses, it meant little. The producers of goods and services due to the demand slump had either closed shop or left the village. So now there was even a shortage of goods. This meant that even though there was no demand, the prices had stopped falling. So while everyone had money in their homes, there was no economic activity. Without economic activity the markets had dried up just like a car would get stalled without petrol. How does it make a difference to the car if there is petrol in the pump but not in the engine? Just as the engine of the car running dry and coming to a standstill, so did the markets in the village in the absence of money that did not reach the markets even though there was plenty in the homes of the villagers.

There was only pain and misery left in the village. Although there was no external threat to their jobs but the peculiar behavior of the villagers to save money and stop buying goods and services was turning out to be the cause of job losses. So in a sense, the behavior of the villagers was making their nightmare come alive.

The government official was afraid that the villagers would destroy themselves if they continued on this path. So he thought of an idea to release the village from this grip of negativity. He made an unprecedented announcement to jolt the villagers into action.

The key parts of his announcement were:-

1)     Money would be made available to everybody at 0% interest
2)     As much money that would be needed would be provided
3)     The villagers could pay off their debts over time
4)     The government would buy off all the debt that others owed them

This announcement was manna from heaven for the villagers.

The assurance of easy money made them realize that it was futile to hoard money in their homes. The announcement encouraged them to buy goods and services from the market. This led to an increase in the demand for goods and services. Soon, the producers of other goods and services who had fled from the village started to return in large numbers. The entertainment hub also sprung into action.

The economic engine sputtered into action just as a car engine would when supply of fuel resumes.

The sentiments of the villagers took a U turn from negativity to positivity and Dukhsagar once again turned into Sukhsagar.

This process of releasing money into the hands of people to revive sentiment and getting people to actively participate in economic activity is what is popularly known as, “Quantitative Easing”. Quantitative easing literally means easing (or increasing) the supply of money in the economy. This is done by printing additional currency.

The cheap money released becomes an incentive for the people to consume and invest. While consumption increases, the demand for goods and services infuses life to the production process, investment provides the credit to build manufacturing capacity for goods and services so that the rise in demand does not lead to high inflation. Thus changing sentiments is a self fulfilling prophecy that helps the economy to gain momentum and sustains itself. The moment sentiments change, people are inclined to hoard less and inject more money into the economy. The infused money acts as the lubricant for the economy to chug along smoothly.

Source: Email received from Tata Mutual Fund with the below disclaimer

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this lesson are for information purposes only and do not construe to be any investment, legal or taxation advice. The contents are topical in nature and held true at the time of creation of the lesson. This is not indicative of future market trends, nor is Tata Asset Management Ltd. attempting to predict the same. Reprinting any part of this presentation will be at your own risk. Tata Asset Management Ltd. will not be liable for the consequences of such action.                 

21 March 2012

Be Polite - Don't judge anyone in a rush

"The doctor was called one evening for an urgent surgery.  He answered the call, changed his clothes, reached hospital in minutes & went directly to the surgery block.  He found the boy's father waiting, in the hall for the doctor.

On seeing him, the dad yelled: "Why did U take all this time to come? Don't you know that my son's life is in danger? Don't you have any sense of responsibility?...

"The doctor smiled & said: "I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & came as fast as I could after receiving the call...... And now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work"

"Calm down? What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??" said the father angrily.  The doctor tiredly smiled again & replied: "I will say as in the Holy Bible - From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God". Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & pray for your son, we will do our best by God's grace"

"Giving advice is so easy" retorted the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor came out smiling & said to the father,  "Thank God, your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running as he spoke saying "If you have any questions, ask the nurse!!"

"Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait a bit so that I ask about my son's state" Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, tears streaming down her face: "His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was at the burial when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial.

" Never judge anyone..... because U never know how their life is & what they're going through !!!

Treat everyone with politeness – even those who are rude to you – not because they are nice… but because you are nice

17 March 2012

Indian Budget 2012-13 Commentary by Kotak Securites

Power of Compounding with examples

One of the most basic premises of investing is that your money multiplies manifold over time and this multiplication of money is normally referred to as the "Power of Compounding". The compounding effect of investing your money is perhaps one of the most important aspects to achieving long-term wealth. For it to work, you must be a long-term investor with lots of patience.

When you invest money, it earns interest (or returns). If you keep the interest invested, then it does not sit idle while only the original investment sweats it out. The interest earns interest too and then the interest on the interest earns interest again.

This is the beauty of compounding. That is what made great men like Warren Buffet extol the virtues of "compounding".

What does the power of compounding mean to an investor? Let us understand this with the help of an example. Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C are three friends with same background and age:

On his tenth birthday, Ms A's father gave him Rs100. He wisely invested the money that earned him an interest of 15% every year.

Mr. B won Rs200 as prize money when he was 16 years old. His friend, Mr. A, advised him to invest his prize similarly. When Mr. C earned his first salary at the age of 21, he salted away Rs400 in the same instrument as Mr. A's.

After reaching the age of 60, all three decided to withdraw their investments. Who do you think realized the most from his investment?

You will tend to think its Mr. C, right? After all, he invested four times the sum that Mr. A had invested. So what if he had invested the money ten years later? He did earn interest for 40 years after that. But think again. Mr. A made the most out of his investment, in fact, his Rs100 was worth Rs108,366. On the other hand, Mr. C Rs400 was worth only Rs93,169.

It simply means that the longer you stay invested the more money you will make.

Now you know why Mr. A made more money than Mr. B and Mr. C.

Let us try another one more example to understand the impact of interest rates.

Let us assume Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C invested Rs100 for ten years. However, all three of them earn interest at different rates. Mr. A earns 20% while Mr. B earns 15% and Mr. C manages a 10% interest rate.

What each one of them will have ten years hence?

Mr. A will have Rs619 while Mr. B will have Rs405. while Mr. C will have the least Rs259 in ten years. Have you noticed something though? While the interest rates differ by just 5%, in ten years the worth of the original capital, Rs100 would be vastly different.

That is another way of understanding the power of compounding or the power to grow exponentially.

There is one more interesting rule associated with compounding: The rule of 72.

The rule of 72 is an easy way to find out in how many years your money will double at a given interest rate. It is very simple, divide the number in the title by the interest percentage per period to get the approximate number of periods needed for doubling.

Suppose the interest rate is 15%, then your money will double in 72/15= 4.8 years. In case, the interest rate is 20%, then the money will double in 3.6 years.

Thus the moral of the story is the longer you stay invested the more money you will make.

The power of compounding when applied to the stock market can make you rich many times over and sooner than you can imagine. That is because historically, the stock market is known to give the highest return per annum over long term compared with the other investment instruments.

So, if you don't have an exposure to the stock market yet, start right now as according to the power of compounding, the longer you stay invested the more money you will make. (Source: Kotak Securities newsletter)

Catalyst of change - STEPS founder Sharifa Khanam

Catalyst of change

STEPS founder Sharifa Khanam on how to emancipate women

As a fatherless girl, Sharifa Khanam often likened herself to Cinderella, while she sat cooking by the fire. One of ten children born in a Muslim family, the dreamy-eyed maiden from Pudukkottai yearned for her own space and believed a fairy godmother would answer her prayers someday.

Fast forward three decades or so, and Sharifa Khanam finds herself at the helm of a silent social movement rewriting the destinies of thousands of Muslim women in Tamil Nadu seeking freedom from polygamy, domestic violence, dowry harassment and molestation. Like many modern Cinderellas, Sharifa discovered she could wait forever for her fairy godmother, or she could rescue herself. Though she dumped her illusions, it is clear she kept her dreams, for STEPS, the organization Sharifa founded, was essentially born of a feverish imagination.

“As a little girl, I believed I could conjure something out of the space between my fingers; I hoped I could create something out of nothing,” she says. Her biggest dream, ten years in the making, is to build the world's first women's mosque.

As we mount the narrow flight of stairs to a humble office bursting with petitions, it sinks in that STEPS is a stairway to emancipation for many women.

“Each petition is the story of an embattled woman,” says Sharifa, who established the organisation in 1991, inspired by testimonies at the all-India women's conference in Patna that she attended as a translator.

Though STEPS now works chiefly for the uplift of Muslim women, the organisation has in the past addressed landlessness of Dalits, protested eviction of cucumber vendors, provided asylum for women victims in the Premananda case and conducted gender sensitisation sessions for police. Sharifa believes that Muslim women face double discrimination. “Islam accords great respect to women but men who interpret the tenets use religion to make women subservient. For instance there is no practice of dowry in Islam, but dowry harassment is rampant in the community.”

The quest for a space of their own culminated in the formation of the Tamil Nadu Muslim Women's Jammat. A jammat is a committee attached to a mosque comprising elders who arbitrate on community disputes including divorce, dowry and domestic issues. Conventional jammats had no women representatives.

“How can a jammat be fair when the voices and rights of half the community are denied by excluding women? What do fathers and brothers speaking for a woman know of her opinions and feelings?” demands Sharifa. Police generally comply with the jammat's verdict, and politicians do not intervene for fear of losing the vote of Muslim men.

Though the women's jammat today has 25,000 members with 10,000 registered members in Southern and Central Tamil Nadu, Sharifa is keen on expanding the reach of STEPS. An award of Rs.10 lakh by Edel Give Social Innovation Honours instiuted by Edelweiss was invested in a minivan that would be used to respond to requests for help from women anywhere in the state. The women's jammat has set a precedent by issuing ‘talaq', albeit on substantial grounds, she adds.

“We always hear both sides, or how will we be different from other jammats?” retorts Sharifa, noting that women who attend jammat meetings are a less inhibited lot. She takes pride that the organisation she founded has grown ahead of her.

Citing an instance when members did not budge from Cuddalore until a favourable settlement was worked out for an aggrieved woman who was cheated out of her wealth by her in-laws, Sharifa says women no longer need her to spur them to take up the cudgels.

The first ever recipient of the Dr. Durgabhai Deshmukh national award instituted by the Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi, Sharifa has always believed the road to empowerment is paved with economic independence. The jammat banks have produced around 1,000 women entrepreneurs by linking them with private financiers to set up tea shops, masala powder units or sari sales. “Poverty is the biggest concern and must be addressed before any gender-specific issue,” notes Sharifa.
White dream

Sharifa's wish list includes women's representation in the Waqf board, implementation of recommendations of Justice Sachar committee and constitution of a Muslim Women's Board for Empowerment without religious intervention.

Her personal goal is to launch a centre where women activists would be accommodated with all comforts when they are old or incapacitated. “The centre would be in recognition of their work, so that they feel they have not toiled in vain,” she says.

Sharifa's long-harboured dream is the completion of a separate women's mosque. She conceived the idea in 2003, as a jammat which is traditionally attached to a mosque. The idea then attracted publicity, but did not translate into resources. For want of funds, her white dream has nothing but a foundation.

“Today the project would require around 50 lakhs for completion. With all the pledges and promises, the mosque should have been completed. Resources have not increased, but my responsibilities have accrued."

Sharifa visualises the mosque as a community centre for women where women would pray, think, learn, bond and laugh.

"Give a woman her own space, and you'll witness a change,” she asserts. Our chat winds up in her own space, an airy red brick room on the roof built to filter moonbeams. “Somehow,” she vows, “I will complete the mosque in my lifetime.”

Indian Budget 2012-13 - What is your Income Tax?

Income Tax Calculator developed by Ernst & Young for knowing what is the impact of the Indian Budget 2012-13 on your Income and your tax outgo.

Calculate your Income Tax - Courtest Ernst & Young
1. Download the calculator.xls file to your computer.

2. Type in your annual income in the cell marked in yellow, to find out what your present tax is and what it will be after the budget.  

Thanks: The Hindu - Stay Ahead of the Times

Caterpillar as Zen Master

Inscape: Caterpillar as Zen Master

The hope was that by paying total awareness to one square foot of earth, you're experiencing in the natural world what you do contemplatively when you give total awareness to the inner world -the "inscape." One woman came back and told a story of how she had sat with her square foot of earth which was full of grass and it took twenty minutes for her to quiet down to the point where she noticed a small caterpillar that she had in fact been looking at for twenty minutes. She remembered the instructions that if a question was coming up from your heart, to simply allow it to come and in fact to direct it to the creature that you were sitting with.

Out of her heart rose the question for the caterpillar: "will you teach me about metamorphosis?". The caterpillar responded rather like a tough old Zen master: "Why should I teach you about metamorphosis?" She said,"because you will be going through complete metamorphosis and turn into a butterfly - who better to teach me about it?" He said, "you don't seem to understand - most of us don't make it to butterflies.

Either we don't find the right food plants and die or we're eaten by predators.
There's no guarantee at all that I'll become a butterfly. On the other hand, you, as a human being, experience metamorphosis all the time. If you want to know about metamorphosis, study yourself."

Looking at our own experience as humans on the Earth in the last, say, fifty years, we've gone from being a species with generally localized impact to a species that has very significant global impacts. We've become the dominant species, we control much of the biomass of the Earth, and are beginning to change the climate, the atmosphere, and so on in a significant way. But we haven't had a shift in consciousness consonant with our shift in status as a dominant species. My sense of how to bring about that shift is a simple and humble one - if enough people are willing to experiment and experience a shift in consciousness, then Earth itself, Gaia itself, ... can push on our consciousness, accelerate the process and a global shift in consciousness becomes imaginable..

This excerpt is from the interview of James Thornton, author and an eco-activist turned ecopsychologist. He devised a psychological technique of inscape– exploring the inner ecology.

Ecological Intelligence is important

Ecological intelligence allows us to comprehend systems in all their complexity, as well as the interplay between the natural and man-made worlds.

But that understanding demands a vast store of knowledge,one so huge that no single brain can store it all.

Each one of us needs the help of others to navigate the complexities of ecological intelligence.

We need to collaborate.

-Daniel Goleman

Without Tigers

Without Tigers Forests cannot exist.

Without Forests Tigers cannot exist. Tigers Protect the Forests.

 Forests Protect the Tigers. He who rules should always remember this mutual dependence and harmony.

-Mahatma Vidura in Vidura Neethi,Mahabharatha