I have been extremely busy in the past few days.
Our Company's year end accounts finalisation and audit is going on.
We are working to record the earliest finalisation ever in our record. The Auditors are also working overtime to achieve this feat.
Too many things to be done at too short a time. Number crunching, number checking, number validation, number follow-up, number forecast, number of numbers, number of hours put in on these numbers by number of people. So the complexity is even more.
We need to be sure of what is going into the finalised statement of accounts which will be sent to the outside world and so we have to be very careful that the numbers we send out are error free, for there is no margin for errors, its a point of no return if we make an error.
As accounts staff, normally the returns are much less in terms of rewards. Even those returns will be curtailed if we make errors that go out to points of no return :-)
So, here I am concentrating on the work on hand and putting out a note to you.
I will be back soon with my regular contribution to this spot. Bear with me, if you like my posts. Enjoy yourself if you don't like my posts.
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