19 January 2006

I have been very busy

I have been extremely busy in the past few days.

Our Company's year end accounts finalisation and audit is going on.

We are working to record the earliest finalisation ever in our record. The Auditors are also working overtime to achieve this feat.

Too many things to be done at too short a time. Number crunching, number checking, number validation, number follow-up, number forecast, number of numbers, number of hours put in on these numbers by number of people. So the complexity is even more.

We need to be sure of what is going into the finalised statement of accounts which will be sent to the outside world and so we have to be very careful that the numbers we send out are error free, for there is no margin for errors, its a point of no return if we make an error.

As accounts staff, normally the returns are much less in terms of rewards. Even those returns will be curtailed if we make errors that go out to points of no return :-)

So, here I am concentrating on the work on hand and putting out a note to you.

I will be back soon with my regular contribution to this spot. Bear with me, if you like my posts. Enjoy yourself if you don't like my posts.

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13 January 2006

Best Buy Jan 13 2006


(Note: The shares recommended here are purely from my personal analysis as a hobby and I do not take any responsibility for the outcome of the decisions of the user based on my recommendations)

Recommendations dated 13/01/2006 (Market closing hours)

1. Buy Neyveli Lignite for target of Rs.84/Rs.88 (CMP around Rs.79)

2. Buy Gujarat Ambuja for targets of Rs.98 (CMP around Rs.90)

Disclosure: I do not hold these shares or their derivatives.

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Benefits of being from Mars
Happy Birthday to me
Don't QUIT
Goat and Ganguly
Fifty ways to manage time
Have you seen my other blog?
My brother blogs too!

10 January 2006

Best Buy Jan 10 2006


(Note: The shares recommended here are purely from my personal analysis as a hobby and I do not take any responsibility for the outcome of the decisions of the user based on my recommendations)

Recommendation dated 10/01/2006

KLG Systel at the current market price of Rs.210. Targets Rs.235 & Rs.254. Stop Loss Rs.192

Disclosure: I do not hold this share or its derivative.

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Happy Birthday to me
Don't QUIT
Goat and Ganguly
Fifty ways to manage time
Have you seen my other blog?
My brother blogs too!

09 January 2006


Today (Jan 9) is my birthday. I complete 41 years of existence in this planet.

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!! Happy birthday to Murthy!!!

I wish myself as today I will get lesser wishes than normal.

My father who wishes me first thing in the morning is no more. I lost him in August 2005 all of a sudden. So I will have one wish less in this planet. But, he must be wishing me from heaven for sure. So I have one additional blessing from the heaven.

My wife and children wished me at the stroke of 12 last night. My wife made some sweets which I cannot take in any big quantity as I am already blessed with good amount of sugar in my body. The (getting) old body says "please no more". The always young mind says "give me more!". I passed the judgement and said "you can have two pieces" and satisfied myself that I have satisfied both the body and the mind.

My mother, aunt, brothers and their families called me and wished me for my birthday. More than their wishes the love and affection made me even more happy.

There is one thing interesting about "its my birthday" feeling. I know that its my birthday and people very close to me know about it and so they wish me.

However, through the day I meet, speak to and interact with friends and colleagues many of whom do not have the information about the speciality of the day. They don't know something that I know.

Inside my heart I keep thinking about my birthday and looking for wishes from these people knowing fully well they don't know about the day and hence cannot wish. I want to tell them but suppress my urge with the feeling that I should not give the information myself - some kind of self esteem.

But innerly I also long for wishes from many people on my birthday.

For popular people or well known public figures, the birthday wishes will pour because their birthday is also well publicised and well known to friends, fans and followers. They don't have to make great effort in getting wishes.

As I am another ordinary fellow. Hence my birthday will not be remembered by most people. I have to remind them for it is just another day for the other people who do know that its my birthday. So I need to make gentle efforts to make these people aware of my birthday. I cannot make an announcement.

So I keep giving gentle clues. New shirt. Loudly thanking people who remember this soul and call on phone to wish me or loudly thanking people who greet me personally so that all near can get the message so I can rope in few more greets and possibly some surprise presents.

However, only some of these people who get to know the date go back and make a note of the same in their memory/ diary/ computer / mobile for a reminder on the same day next year.

Thus, I will have to make the entire efforts of clue giving the next year also for getting those additional greetings.

I think this must be the same with most others as well. So I have made a conscious effort in noting down the special days of people immediately when I get to know of the same. I also make it a point to have a reminder set-up in my computer to remind me so that I can call up and pass on my wishes.

That gives me enormous happiness. I also guess the receipient of my greetings will also feel happier having received a greeting without an effort to announce his birthday. You can't beat the feeling you get by knowing that you are considered important by another person.

To this end, start the database today, make an effort to note the special days of your dear and near ones and of those whose special days you get to know. The lesser you know them the better it is. Set up a reminder and make an effort to pass your greetings to them at the next occurence - by email, by phone, by post - somehow. You will be amazed to see how it helps in building relationships.

And finally, do not forget to post your birthday wishes to me :-) And note down this day January 9. Thats my birthday and unashamedly I have blognounced by birthday to you all.

Have you seen my other blog?

Best Buy Jan 09 2006


(Note: The shares recommended here are purely from my personal analysis as a hobby and I do not take any responsibility for the outcome of the decisions of the user based on my recommendations)

Recommendation dated 09/01/2006

Buy HDFC Bank at the current market prices of Rs.770. Targets Rs.783 & Rs.825

Disclosure: I do not hold this share or its derivative.

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Happy Birthday to me
Don't quit
Goat and Ganguly
Fifty ways to manage time
Mind Picks

My brother Blogs too: VIJAYALOGY

05 January 2006

Best Buy Jan 06 2006


(Note: The shares recommended here are purely from my personal analysis as a hobby and I do not take any responsibility for the outcome of the decisions of the user based on my recommendations)

Recommendation dated 06/01/2006

Buy ACC above Rs.563. Stop Loss Rs.520. Targets Rs.657 / Rs.709

Disclosure: I do not hold this share or its derivative.

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Read about GOAT and GANGULY
Fifty ways to manage time
Some Cool Definitions
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04 January 2006

Five Changes to become Super Power

Five changes we want to see before we Indians can call India a superpower - economic or otherwise.

5. Stop worrying about the impact of acts of terrorism, appalling crimes, natural and man-made disasters and corruption on foreign investment, and start worrying about their impact on Indians.

4. Make it possible for people to lend a helping hand, without being scared of police harrassment, when a man is dying on a road, whether of a heart attack or an accident.

3. Remember that nobody dies when a cricket match is lost - but thousands do when war is waged or riots break out. So, play more cricket.

2. Make it possible for a woman to go from point A to point B at any hour of day or night without being accused of provoking rapists, murderers, molesters, the police, the moral police, and men in general.

And the No. 1 change is...

Make it simple - like, really easy - for the average Indian to live within the law and in a civilised manner. Don't let the house he buys be illegally constructed. Don't let the school she wants her daughter to go to ask for speed money. Don't make income-tax calculation so complex that he skips filing his returns. Don't let loud people break into queues so that they can be served first.
Is all of this too much to demand of the government and society of a global superpower?

-Sarathguru Vijayananda

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03 January 2006

Best Buy Jan 03-2006


(Note: The shares recommended here are purely from my personal analysis as a hobby and I do not take any responsibility for the outcome of the decisions of the user based on my recommendations)

Recommendation dated 03/01/2006

Buy Punjab Tractors around Rs.220. Stop Loss Rs.203. Targets Rs.247 / Rs.265

Disclosure: I do not hold this share or the derivative.

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Read about GOAT and GANGULY
Fifty ways to manage time
Property prices are going up in Chennai
Have you seen my other blog?

02 January 2006

Best Buy Jan 02-2006


(Note: The shares recommended here are purely from my personal analysis as a hobby and I do not take any responsibility for the outcome of the decisions of the user based on my recommendations)

Recommendation dated 02/01/2006

Buy HINDALCO around Rs.145 . Stop Loss Rs.134. Targets Rs.157 / Rs.165

Disclosure: I do not hold this share or the derivative.

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Read about GOAT and GANGULY
Fifty ways to manage time
Property prices are going up in Chennai
Now Viagra is available in India - 'IT' can finally look up?
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